For my book report I chose to read The Kings Rose. This book was written by Alisa Libby. It was about a fifteen year old girl, Catherine, who was terrified by becoming King Henry VIII, King of France, wife. Throughout this book, it shows a girl facing many frightening things in her young lifetime. She becomes so terrified that she would do anything not to be executed by her king.
In this story, Catherine has been caught by the Kings eye. He gives her many expensive gifts to show his interest in her. “I hope this gown will suit your pleasure, as surely you suit mine” (6), the King messages her in writing. After giving the gifts of jewels, he gives her a gift she can not refuse, marriage. When the proposal was said King Henry told Catherine, “It will be a beautiful, private wedding” (35). After the king wed the young girl he was wishing for an air. After a while King Henry stopped trying for a son and he even said “In all these years, with all these wives I`ve been granted but one son-one son, Catherine” (126). Catherine knew if she could not bare child for the King he will have nothing to do with her. Soon enough she had an affair with her love and the kings groom, Thomas. Thomas was Catherine`s beloved cousin who which she was madly in love with even before engaged to her King. Once Thomas and Catherine had an affair she still could not bare a child. Soon after the King found out about the event between his bride and his groom he executed them both. With that execution, he was embarrassed by his love for his rose, Catherine.
Alisa Libby did an amazing job with writing this book. She is best known for her book The Blood Confession.Libby was born and raised in Natick, Massachusetts. She attended public school and graduated from Emerson College. She studied writing with a focus on fiction. The author now lives outside of Boston with her husband. Alisa Libby is still continuing to write stories about topics she loves and things that interest her.
I think this book is enjoyable to my satisfaction. I like how the author describes the main characters love with each person in the story and how in the end of the story all the love just blows up. The love created issues between the characters and if one person was in love with another no matter what it created a lot of problems for those two characters.I also liked that the author combined all of the characters in the story. In the end Libby tied all of the characters and their actions together and it created drama, terror, and it showed that no one could trust another person.
My book, "Mary, Bloody Mary," was similar to yours with several of the same characters. My books narrator was Catherine and Henry's daughter, Mary. And instead of Catherine having the affair, in my book, King Henry had an affair with Lady Anne Bolynn. It talked about how ruthless King Henry VIII was and more along the lines of him destroying his first wife's and daughter's lives, and marrying 5 other women to suit his needs. I think I might enjoy reading "The King's Rose" because maybe it would give a different perspective on the same events.